By: Daniela e Michele
Sardinia typical sweet.
Seada original Sardinia sweet!
The new Ca del Sol blog post shows you a typical Sardinia sweet “Seadas“. The Easter week is the perfect time for Seadas as it’s a traditional dessert of two important festivities Easter and, of course, Christmas.The Seada receipe.
Here’s the dessert recipe with some pictures: a filling of acid cheese, “semola” (durumu wheat), flavored with grated lemon zest. A pasta made with flour, “semola”, salt and lard, which is made into thin paste sheets where is placed the filling and covered with another pasta sheet. It is cut with a cutter wheel and decorated with a stencil that is called “Sa Pintadera“. Like this:

These photos you’re seeing are the seadas prepared by Miss Itria from Nuoro city our favorite cook (…and Daniela’s mom) that we’d like to thank very much! 😉 If you would love to receive any info or tip about Sardinia sweet Seada, feel free to get in touch with us, please fill out the form or also sending a message via Facebook page. Are you thinking to visit Sardinia soon? Why not! Check Ca’ del Sol best offers out NOW !!! 😉 Texts and Photos by: © ® Daniela and Michele 2011/2023 cadelsol.net
